

"Moment" download campaign will be held!

A download campaign will be held to commemorate the release of "Moment".

All those who purchase "Moment" on Recochoku, mora, mu-mo, and Amazon Music will receive an "INI member unit image" (by site). You can complete the INI member by arranging 4 different images for each site.

Furthermore, from among them, 4 people will be selected by lottery and will receive an autographed unit square cheki (1 per site)! A lottery will be held for each site, so the more you apply from multiple sites, the higher your winning rate will be! Please come and join us!

Please read the following notes and enter the necessary information before applying.

【Application period】

August 14, 2023 (Monday) 0:00 to August 20, 2023 (Sunday) 23:59

*You cannot apply outside the above application period.

* Depending on the time of day (especially when the deadline is approaching), it may be difficult to connect to the application screen. Please apply well in advance.

[Target site]

Recochoku: https://recochoku.jp/song/S1019377468 


mu-mo: https://sp-m.mu-mo.net/music/8841228/

Amazon Music:https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0CDVBVQN7

【Application Form】

Recochoku: https://form.universal-music.co.jp/dlrc_ini_moment/page/index.html



Amazon Music:https://form.universal-music.co.jp/dlam_ini_moment/page/index.html


All applicants: INI member unit image

* The design differs depending on the purchase site.

*It is possible to apply for multiple sites.

4 people by lottery: autographed unit square check (1 per site)

* One person x 4 sites will be selected by lottery from each site.

*It is possible to apply for multiple sites.

【Application method】


Download "Moment" on Recochoku, mora, mu-mo, Amazon Music


screenshot download screen

* When applying, please attach a screenshot that shows that you have downloaded the song to the application form.


Attach a screenshot of the download screen to the application form, enter the necessary information, and complete the application.


* If there is a false entry in the application or registration details, the application qualification / winning qualification may be canceled and the campaign may not be applied.

* If you are a minor, please apply after obtaining the consent of your guardian. Applicants are deemed to have obtained parental consent.

*Please note that we cannot answer any inquiries about winning or losing.

* Please be careful not to make any mistakes as the registered information cannot be changed after the application is completed.

Personal information protection and management policy

* Personal information about applicants obtained this time will be handled based on the personal information protection policy of Universal Music LLC. Please check the personal information protection policy of Universal Music LLC from the link below.



Universal Music Customer Service Center

TEL 0570-044-088 月~金 10:00~18:00(祝日を除く)

